We run both Children’s and Adult classes, in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, based on mutual trust and respect. Under instruction of Liam Gorman 6th Dan.
Shihan Liam Gorman 6th Dan Shotokan

Hanshi Clay Worley 10th Dan Shotokan

A snap shot of one of our classes
Training Times
Tuesday : Midlands Martial Arts centre Tullamore from 6-7pm juniors
7-8pm Purple/ black-belts
Thursday : Midlands Martial Arts centre Tullamore from 6-7pm juniors
7-8pm Purple/ black-belts
Saturday mixed class from 12-1pm
I break self-defence into 3 parts
Awareness or Avoidance
When I teach Karate or self-defence classes I always stress that awareness is

Contact Details
Tanyard, Tanyard Lane, Tullamore.
Phone: Sensei Liam Gorman 085 238 6302
E-Mail Us. liamgorman67@hotmail.com